Y’all. We’ve reached 1900 subscribers! We’re almost close to 2,000 and I am forever grateful for y’all. I said I wanted to step away from super vulnerable pieces for a minute, just because that isn’t my entire personality. I have loads of wisdom on other things as I’m on this spiritual journey, and I wanna share the lighthearted shit too! I’m working on it. Swear.
In the meanwhile, I’ve been thinking about what content my paid subscribers will get and I feel as though I should re-emphasize what will be included with the paid subscription.
So. Here it goes:
Detailed Pieces About My Sexual Journey 💦:
I am relearning my body in my mid 20s. What worked for me years ago, doesn’t work for me now as I’ve gained even more trauma and experiences that have without a doubt changed the way I show up sexually. I am in an era where I am figuring out what works for me and rewiring my brain/rediscovering my body. These pieces will explore that, as well as some hacks I’ve picked up.
Heaux Tales: I’ll share some funny stories occasionally about some of my sexual encounters.
Vulnerable Diary-Like Pieces:
All of my uncut, raw pieces about my mental health or moments where I’m having a breakdown and my dumb ass decided to write some shit at 3AM in the morning, which then causes me to write the most beautiful, painful, profound shit will be given to paid subscribers.
Thee Kamory Tapes 📼:
So, I be talking to myself like Issa Dee in the mirror. Except I record those moments in my phone. If I’m in a good conversation, I also record it on my phone (with their consent of courseeee). Paid subscribers will get access to those unfiltered conversations.
I’m whipping up new content now! So please be patient, y’all. You will get these pieces twice per month! 🍒 The subscription is $8/month and you can help a bitch pay her billssss or whatevaaaaaa.
Again, thanks for the support and the love and the shoutouts! I love y’all down!
Do not forget to follow me on Instagram! I reactivated my account, but I’m still somewhat on a social media detox.
Also, download my playlist y’all!
Mindfulness and meditation and learning to master my breathing really are my newest tools in becoming one with my body. Meditation centers me and brings me back to the body that carries me and drives my creativity. Regulating my nervous system has become crucial to me. Why? Because it calms me and it relaxes me. It’s an underrated hack as far as calming your nerves and centering your brain to be in the moment, rather than focusing on tomorrow or the past. It’s also a very underrated hack as far as pleasing yourself sexually. For me, I’m a woman who has experienced SEVERE trauma, and my approach to sex and sexuality has always been a little… different. I’m sure many of you with complex trauma can relate.
I tried something new the other day. I masturbated while meditating. I laughed at myself for even thinking to do it in the moment, but the feeling and the rush that came over me afterwards proved me to be innovative and genius for deciding to do it despite how ridiculous I may have felt for the idea in the moment. It was actually the PERFECT time to become DJ Spinderella. My brain was focused on the feeling and it didn’t drift anywhere else. Not once.
That was new for me.
And add to that, I started speaking words of affirmation to the coochie. I had to uplift her. I had to speak to her. I had to have a conversation with her. It made my orgasm more intense. What I gathered from this was that I need to be spoken to during sex— but not the typical sex talk. I need to be told how great I am, how beautiful my pussy is, how brilliant I am. That’s what I need during sex. I want to feel like it’s all about me. I need vivid descriptors of my pussy. I am a sapiosexual and words, as well as explicit descriptions of my pussy opens the floodgates.
I wanted to share some of the affirmations I repeated to myself while playing around with Miss Thang: